Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day never gets old


A quick refresher for those who haven’t kept score in a while: R – run, H – hit, E – error, BB – base on balls, LOB – left on base, HBP – hit by pitch, GIDP –grounded into double play

For the visiting Los Angeles Angels, 10 runs, 18 hits, four errors, 11 walks, 17 runners left on base, two hit batsmen, and four grounded into double plays.

The home team Boston Red Sox scored 6 runs, 14 hits, six errors, 9 walks, 14 runners on base, two hit batsmen, and grounded into five double plays.

This is the box score for the Father’s Day Game I took my dad to. It was a regular day in the neighborhood with 7 AM Sunday Mass, followed by breakfast and baseball at Emerson Playground. On this day, it would be just Dad and me heading east on Storrow Drive going to Fenway Park.

During our drive, he let me listen to Arnie “ Woo Woo “ Ginsberg on WMEX, 1510 AM on your radio dial. As we passed Browne & Nichols, Sunshine Superman by Donovan came on. This song has Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin fame on lead guitar and Bobby Orr on the drums. No, it is not the same one who scored on Mother’s Day. I knew every word and I sang away. As we passed the Coca Cola sign, I must have reached the high note for I saw my Father smile.

The weather was in the 90’s and the sacks were full just about every inning. The tying run would come to the plate with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th. The bases were loaded for 3rd baseman, Frank Malzone. He lived near my Dad’s sister in Needham so he was my favorite. All I needed was a grand slam and I could have extra innings. I jumped from my seat as his fly ball was caught behind shortstop.

The most famous trial of the 20th Century was held in Flemington, New Jersey in 1935(pop.-2,769). This was the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby. Richard Bruno Hauptmann was charged with the crime. He would be given the electric chair on April 3rd by the State of New Jersey after having his favorite meal and a smoke. My father would be tortured worse with a 5 hour baseball game, listening to my singing, a soggy ballpark frank and a flat coke. He would also have memories of April 3rd for he was married on this date.

The last movie that my Father watched was Field of Dreams. I do hope to have a game of catch with him someday. I am quite confident it won’t be on any Father’s Day.

That is always my recollection of Father's Day. Thanks for the memories.

A you-you-you can just sit there a-thinking on your velvet throne,
‘bout all the rainbows a-you can a-have for your own

Paul Murphy

Follow me on Twitter at @_prmurphy

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